Tuesday, May 28, 2013


So today is 6dpiui (days past IUI), 7dpo (days past ovulation), and 8 days past trigger (no fancy abbreviation for that one).

My chart says I ovulated the day before the IUI and based on ovulation pains followed by lack of ovary pressure on that day I'd have to agree. An egg can live up to 24 hours after it's released so let's hope mine did just that.

The trigger shot is still in my system. A pregnancy test taken this morning showed a faint line and since it's very unlikely I already implanted and have enough hCG in my system to register positive, I know it's from the trigger. Last time it was out by 6dpo but I guess it's like a pregnancy and can be different every time. I'm expecting it to be fully out by tomorrow or at the latest Thursday.

As far as symptoms go, not too much to report. I'm very sleepy but it's probably from the trigger shot and/or waking up early. Heightened sense of smell is there but that's a post ovulation thing for me. So is a bit of nausea every now and again (check!) so not much to go off of for pregnancy symptoms. I've also got my usual twinges and pains in my uterus and my cervix has been hurting so those point to AF coming. Noticeably (and thankfully) absent are the headaches. I usually get them nearly every day after ovulation but I haven't had one...yet. my worst ones come a couple days before AF arrives so we'll see.

We're one week down and one to go. My chart looks great but that really doesn't mean much at all. Women with great charts don't end up pregnant and women with crappy charts do. Happens all the time.

Only time will tell...

UPDATE: Mild headache. Crap.

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