Sunday, November 25, 2012

Our Plans Have Changed

Mother nature decided to throw me a curveball and despite being on birth control, had my period come about 2 days early. Last month I was 2 days late. She's hilarious..really.

But alas! This means we can go ahead with IUI because I can get my prescription today and start it on Monday. And what's this?! The back pay came in! All is good in the world!


I called to set up my IUI and I got 3 different prices and at this point we don't know if the money we have saved will be enough. (Tricare only covers infertility stuff until you move on to artificial insemination. It's all out of pocket from that point on). The doctor told me at my last appointment IUI would be $450. End of story. The nurse tells me when I call the procedure is $350 but I have to pay for appointments before and all my meds and $100 for a progesterone draw. But she doesn't know what it all will cost together. I called the receptionist and asked her what it will cost and she said the IUI is $195, sperm washing is $166, and my monitoring appointment could be anywhere from $221-280 and she has no clue what the meds will cost. That is a huge problem because last time, I had to go for 2 ultrasounds because I didn't respond well enough. (Side note: Anyone else find it weird an artificial insemination procedure costs less than an ultrasound???)

Well, we still were gonna go ahead and do the IUI. And then I realized we may be eating the dog due to lack of money and I'm sure the wee one wouldn't be too happy about that. See, on top of no one knowing what the procedures they do on a daily basis cost, his back pay was only for 2 months instead of 3. And they taxed the hell out of it. So we basically got about $250 less than what we had planned on. (How's that for ya? We're potentially short for the IUI by $200 and that's about the amount we didn't get that we were supposed to. The cosmos think they're comedians too apparently).

So needless to say, I'm calling Monday to cancel my ultrasound on the 3rd.


We are going to change things up. I'm breaking up with birth control (I'd like to say it's me, not you but we all know the truth, Mr. Ortho Tri-Cyclen Lo) and we are gonna just try the good old fashioned way. We obviously know I can get pregnant, I've done it a few times before and I even got to keep one. So screw what my doctor and infertility say, and screw my non-operating ovaries. I'm gonna at least make an effort to try instead of sitting it out on birth control.

So our new plan is, we're gonna just do our thing until we can afford an IUI and if we don't get pregnant, fine. At least we've got the backup plan. (I realize it's very possible for me to not ovulate even once in that amount of time but at least I'll feel like we're still trying). And if we do end up pregnant by some miracle, well have an extra $700 or so to spend on a new baby.

It's a win/win!

So basically when this very weird period ends, I'm going to be taking either FertileCM or Maca, (or both together), grapefruit juice and lots of water (gotta get past my bad cm!), and going back to spending stupid amounts of money on OPKs. Throw in some temping, saliva microscopes and cervix checks and we're back in the game!!

And I'm quite happy about it :)

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