Thursday, November 1, 2012

My Hormones Are A Little Off

Usually PMS comes before your period shows up. Apparently not for me. I have been downright moody lately. Maybe it's because I'm still not pregnant, maybe it's because I'm angry I can't afford an IUI right now, maybe it's my hormones just trying to figure out why I went from ovulation stimulating pills to ovulation suppression pills, maybe it's because I'm too anxious to find out if I'm pregnant or not during the 2WW to notice PMS so it shows up afterwards. 

Either way, I'm a ticking time bomb lately it seems. I have zero patience for pretty much anything or anyone. I got all ticked off because someone I've known since kindergarten defriended me on facebook and even went as far as to post about it. 

And then yesterday I read an article that just irritated me about how teens feel they can't be who they really are because they are constantly trying to impress other teens and avoid being made fun of. First of all, stop being so damn sensitive (I was made fun of constantly in school for being short or not having clothes from the stupidly overpriced stores, I simply did not care). I blame this on parents who baby their kids and congratulate their kids for waking in the morning and teachers and coaches giving awards/trophies to kids just for participating. Second, maybe if the parents of these kids that the other kids feel they need to worship raised kids better, there wouldn't be the toxic recipe of overly sensitive kids and overly aggressive kids that bullying is made of.

Parents need to teach their kids to be the perfect balance of the above and I am trying my hardest to raise a child who is compassionate and strong and caring and tough. I'm also going to teach her that if you want something, you have to work for it, it isn't just going to fall into your lap like your teachers/coaches would like you to think. 


I need a mental vacation from people I swear...

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