Saturday, December 15, 2012

And It Begins...

Got my crosshairs today. You think I'd be all like WOOOO! but I'm just not. I'm gonna need at least 3 more days of high temps before I believe I really did. I had none of my regular ovulation symptoms (well ok, smelling everything in a 5 mile radius did happen so I guess I can't say none) and I just don't feel like I did.

Maybe it's because I've never ovulated this early on my own. Well, ok, I ovulated on my own on CD24 my first cycle after the wee one was born but this is CD22 here! And no recent birth. Just crappy birth control pills.

But anyway, I'm in the 2ww now, and while I hate how long it is, I'm not too stressed about it. If it works, it'll be a damn Christmas miracle and I will be happier than probably anyone I know (I was gonna throw something funny in there but I deemed it inappropriate), and if it doesn't, well, we have an IUI coming up soon. One month of birth control and we dive right in.

So needless to say while I'm hoping for some great "I got my BFP for Christmas" story, I think I'll be just ok if we don't.

At least as long as the IUI works...

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