Tuesday, December 11, 2012

December 11th Is Apparently A Good Day For Conception

So I read an article today about how December 11th is considered the most fertile day. Apparently a shit-ton of babies are conceived on this date.

I'm starting to believe this.

After getting what were thisclose to positive OPKs and then a day of EWCM, my temp rose and I got crosshairs on my chart. But I knew better than that. First off, my sleep was all over the place and on top of that, the wee one kept waking up at just the right time for me to not be able to temp or for it to be really inaccurate. Not to mention I had NO symptoms of impending ovulation at all and I know what I should be experiencing by now.

However, I got my (hopefully) real positive today, my temp dipped yesterday (which usually is what happens a few days before O), and I definitely feel a little "full" in my uterus/ovaries area.

Did I also mention this is a NON-medicated cycle and I'm only on CD21*?!

So here's to hoping that December 11th really is the most fertile day!

*I realize to some CD21 is actually quite late but with my crazy long cycles, this is nothing short of a Christmas miracle.

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