Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Mother Nature, I HATE YOU.

2 days. 2 DAYS LATE. I typically have a 15 day LP and I passed it by 2 days. I didn't think I could be late without being pregnant taking Clomid and the hCG shot, but I was.

And if that wasn't bad enough, I had this taunting me.

I let my hopes get the best of me and I truly thought this could be possible. AF didn't come yesterday like it should have. Yesterday was the last possible day I could get it. And the day came and went with nothing. I woke this morning and saw my temp dive and I knew it. It was in fact not possible. But I still, for some reason, held out hope even after the negative test because I still hadn't gotten my period. Well, at noon, it came. It was like a slap in the face. Like, "See, this is what you get for getting for hopes up stupid. You know better than to do that". I feel especially stupid since I knew after failing the post coital test that this wouldn't work. Hope is evil and I hate it.

So now we are on a forced break. We can't do IUI right now because I'm not gonna screw the little one on Christmas because we want to do something that may or may not work. So basically I'll be on birth control until probably our taxes come in.

This. Sucks.

I'm sure mother nature was far too busy knocking up some teenager for MTV, or a drug addict, or someone who either doesn't want or shouldn't have a baby right now due to not having a job or income etc to have time for me. Screw you.

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